DoH campaign for quitting smoking

The Department of Health has teamed up with Microsoft Advertising to launch an online campaign to help smokers quit.

Anti Smoking campaign

The NHS Smokefree campaign launches across MSN Messenger, the MSN homepage and Windows Mobile today (18 December).

It hopes to reach over 150,000 internet users with interactive content, advice and support for quitting smoking.

The campaign will follow a blogger attempting to quit smoking, which will form the basis of an MSN community for smokers and ex smokers to seek advice and support while they try to quit.

Microsoft Advertising and i-Level have created a microsite that aims to drive traffic to the NHS Smokefree Together Programme, which offers quitters regular support through email, text and phone.

They have also created a targeting campaign using Bing data to re-message users that have not completed the forms on the site and users that have followed the blog but not taken any further action.

This is the third time the DoH has worked with Microsoft Advertising on its Smokefree campaign and continues its trend of using behavioural targeting to convey the right message to the audience at the right time.
