3D potential spreads wider

It’s interesting to hear the Pearl & Dean research results suggesting consumers are on the whole both positive and intrigued by 3D television and cinema, but yet to be truly blown away by it (Closer and More Personal with the Help of 3D, MW 21 January).

This is probably because it is not radical new technology but rather something that has been brought back into the spotlight due to recent progress.

Your article discussed how advertising will be changed if 3D is embraced. As someone who works for an experiential agency, I believe the potential for 3D lies in delivering an engaging brand experience that reaches far beyond the cinema, to sponsorship activation, events and even new forms of digital interaction.

Clearly this will not apply to all forms of marketing, and brands should not jump on the band wagon just for the sake of using the latest technology.

However, being innovative and thinking of new ways to inspire and enhance a consumer’s experience in all forms of marketing, is something we should constantly strive for.

Rory Sloan,
Head of production,


Frail economy is just the time to invest

Marketing Week

With the initial shock of the recession having passed, companies must realise that now is the perfect time to take prudent risks and invest in building a dynamic business that will trump competitors when the economy turns around – and it will.