Month: May 2010


Real meaning of CSR

Marketing Week

Mark Ritson is right when he says brand repositioning is almost always impossible (Rebranding cannot plug credibility gap, MW 13 May). But it can work – just take a look at M&S or Skoda. However, it will only work when the intentions and beliefs of what is created are a) authentic and b) delivered upon. Otherwise, yes, it is a sham of a marketing paint job – albeit a very expensive and neatly articulated one in BP’s case. In as much as this was “greenwash” it was also “brandwash”. And in both counts the brand and marketing industry are as culpable as the corporates who commission them.

Simply does it better for ads

Marketing Week

The finding that elaborately animated and video-heavy ads make little impact on consumers (Subtle animated outdoor ads are most effective, uk 12 May) confirms the justifiably well-worn phrase “less is more”.

Beware the backfiring spoof

Marketing Week

The type of mockery marketing that has been pinging between the political parties does seems to be winning favour in the commercial world (The super spoof weapon, MW 6 May).