Month: May 2010

South Afica

Country branding

Marketing Week

Mark Ritson has a good point, but makes it badly (Countries are countries not brands, MW last week). Why he used a ballistic missile when a .308 Winchester would have sufficed, is beyond me.

Ruth Mortimer on global vs local

Ruth Mortimer

Two major brands have announced they are no longer relying on local marketing directors in the UK. Coca-Cola has scrapped its GB marketing director position altogether, while Kraft has decided that while the position will exist, marketing will be led centrally from Europe.

Is Sky the limit for data?

David Reed

Rumours had been swirling around the data industry all year that something big was afoot. Experian was said to have its marketing services division on the market and, in what would have been a curious reversion of history, one of its former directors would be buying it.

The humble postcode goes global

Marketing Week

Even though we have now embraced the digital age, one of the barriers to globalisation is still the simple address. Without both addresses and change of address systems, global communication and the delivery of products and services become extremely difficult.

Less bounce, more hits

Marketing Week

Email addresses are now one of the most valuable pieces of customer contact data. Yet their accuracy and deliverability is generally only discovered at the moment of use, by which time it is too late. David Reed finds out why email still suffers neglect.

The single sheet solution

Marketing Week

Marketing metrics might look easy to obtain, yet the huge volumes of data generated by reporting systems do not always add up to a true insight. David Reed finds out how marketing can give the board a more unified view of its performance

Car insurer pioneers ethnic targeting

Marketing Week

Launching a Shariah-compliant car insurance brand is no easy task when the campaign also needs to remain compliant with data protection. Acquity developed an award-winning new system that complied with religious and data protection laws.