Month: June 2010

Build on trust laid down by change to FSA

Marketing Week

The changes to the FSA can only be a good thing for marketers of financial services. (“Osborne abolishes FSA”, 17 June) Over recent years, people’s trust in financial products has been eroded, but a sweeping change such as this should restore confidence.

Brand comms do not a DNA molecule make

Marketing Week

Can we please have an immediate ban of the phrase “_____ is in our brand’s DNA,” in the pages of Marketing Week? It’s rapidly become one of marketing’s clichés, and more than that it’s completely meaningless.


Is the future orange?

Marketing Week

I suspect the infamous words “Do I not like orange” spoken former England manager, Graham Taylor, following the team’s defeat to Holland in 1993, are being repeated in the corridors of power at FIFA and Anheuser-Busch InBev following the blatant ambush stunt by Bavaria at last week’s Holland vs Denmark World Cup game (FIFA hits back at Bavaria after ambush marketing stunt, MarketingWeek., 17 June).

Viewpoint – Oscar Jenkins

Marketing Week

Two of the big trends we’re starting to see in mobile are the rise of forms of mobile marketing that take advantage of the unique properties of mobile, and brands starting to realise that this is where their customers are. By Oscar Jenkins CEO, Dynmark