Month: July 2010

Fading star on the road to recovery

Marketing Week

Mercedes-Benz hopes its ’the best or nothing’ brand repositioning will help the struggling automotive giant attract younger, affluent consumers and meet an ambitious 1.5 million unit sales target. By Guy Bird

Case study – Metro Bank

Marketing Week

Tax hikes and reducing disposable incomes mean retailers are facing their toughest time in decades keeping customers loyal and spending. Staying ahead in the high street requires a major rethink of traditional strategies and systems. Find out how new high street bank, Metro Bank, hopes to outshine its rivals below.

Case study – Barbie

Marketing Week

Tax hikes and reducing disposable incomes mean retailers are facing their toughest time in decades keeping customers loyal and spending. Staying ahead in the high street requires a major rethink of traditional strategies and systems. Learn more about the international doll icon, Barbie, in our Mattel case study below.


Case study – The Co-operative Group

Marketing Week

Tax hikes and reducing disposable incomes mean retailers are facing their toughest time in decades keeping customers loyal and spending. Staying ahead in the high street requires a major rethink of traditional strategies and systems. Find out how The Co-operative Group plans to stay relevant in the retail sector below.

The future of retailing is here

Lucy Handley

Tax hikes and reducing disposable incomes mean retailers are facing their toughest time in decades keeping customers loyal and spending. Staying ahead in the high street requires a major rethink of traditional strategies and systems.

Driving value from the single customer view

Marketing Week

Bringing all your data together in a single customer view or single marketing view is a Herculean task for many organisations. Do those who have begun the process believe they are about to reap the rewards for their efforts? Morag Cuddeford-Jones reports.

Brand experience is right retail strategy

Ruth Mortimer

This week, I had breakfast with Angus Thirlwell, chief executive of retail brand Hotel Chocolat. While our chocolate-themed snacks might not have been the healthiest experience for my body at 8.30am, we both had something more important on our minds – how to get the brand experience right for the customer. It’s ambitious, experience-obsessed businesses […]