Google trials Instant for predictive search results

Google has launched Google Instant, an update to its search functionality that brings up results as you type a query.

Google Instant starts delivering search results as soon as a letter is typed, without users having to press enter, and uses predictive text by show likely queries as a user writes.

It’s being tested with those logged into Google accounts, including UK users, with the company intending it to ultimately be the default search experience on

Google launched Google Suggest, or Autocomplete, in 2008, and found that it reduced the time it took to search by 50%. It has integrated this into and predicts it will reduce people’s search time by between two and five seconds per search.

Marissa Mayer, VP of search products and user experience at Google, said, “Google Instant is search-before-you-type. It takes what you’ve typed already, predicts the most likely completion and streams results in real time for those predictions, yielding a smarter and faster search that’s interactive, predictive and powerful.”

This story first appeared on


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