Nikon hires Jamie Oliver for upcoming campaign

Nikon will feature celebrity chef Jamie Oliver in its latest I AM Nikon advertising campaign promoting its new D3100 camera.

The JVM-created ad featuring Jamie Oliver will pre roll online and in-store with the option of using it as a TV ad in the new year.

Creative featuring Jamie cooking at home with friends will be shown throughout Europe and South Africa.

Nikon claims the D3100 is perfect for families because it allows consumers to capture ’special moments in perfect quality, without worrying about complicated settings’.

The ad featuring Oliver shows him cooking with a little girl with the strap line ’I AM Jamie Oliver Jr’. Nikon first launched its I AM Nikon theme in March of this year.

Nikon UK will be focusing on its COOLPIX range for the Christmas period and will use the ad featuring Robbie Williams to push the range.

This story first appeared on Pitch, Centaur’s subscription-based online interactive marketplace for agencies and clients to share news, opinion and debate.


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Josie Allchin

While Government cuts and a potential second recession make for continuing uncertain times, IFF Research joint managing director Mark Speed says market research can demonstrate its place in guiding business strategies. In 1969, a sadly underrated band called King Crimson wrote a song called Confusion will be my epitaph. At the time this reflected the […]