Lead by the logo?

Beyond coffee: Starbucks’ strategy
Beyond coffee: Starbucks’ strategy

So the Starbucks logo, one of the most famous in the world, is changing to allow the brand to expand beyond coffee (www.mwlinks. co.uk/StarbucksLogo).

Of course, the real issue here is not about the niceties and design fluffiness of the logo, which gets some people excited, but the overall strategy of Starbucks. It wants to think beyond coffee and maintains that the design change will allow it to do this.

Well, maybe in design terms, but this is a side issue when compared with the effects that a ’de-focusing’ from its core positioning and values will have on its customers. Starbucks fans will be the real arbiters of whether the brand can move beyond coffee and changing their views will not be as easy as moving a few circles.

Starbucks has a strong positioning and powerful values so I hope that it repositions by realigning its whole product and service proposition sensitively, taking its customers with it and not going too far.

If it doesn’t, the strategic move will erode the enviable position it holds and those licking their lips will be the competition, not the customers.

Gary Moss
Chairman, Brand Vista