Month: April 2011


Sofa, so good, for mobile marketing

Michael Nutley

Smartphone searches are already big business and are sure to grow further, but mobile ads will never be a standalone medium. For the past ten years at least, the new year has been greeted with the claim that it would be the “year of mobile”. So it might seem perverse to point out that, if […]


Social media strategy needs human touch

Mark Choueke

There are more than enough perspectives on social media in this issue to keep you happy if you’re one of the many that are still awaiting “the perfect answer” on how best to embrace it as a brand. Mark Ritson takes a pop at Cadbury’s Stars v Stripes campaign and its social media “failings”. Ritson […]


What if your customers are silent types?

Mark Ritson

Think about the last 10 things you read about social media. I’ll bet each and every one has gushed about the advantages and bold new possibilities. And I’ll also wager that not one of them included even a sentence on what social media was not good at. On what it couldn’t do. To tell only […]


Get busy with the fizzy

Rosie Baker

Rosie Baker is Marketing Week’s specialist on sustainability and retail – and the two topics often go hand-in-hand. Her blog focuses on all things to do with sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical business.

Case study: Unilever

Josie Allchin

As one of the world’s largest FMCG companies, the social and environmental impact of Unilever’s business activities will always be huge relative to most other organisations. However, by 2020 it aims to halve the environmental footprint of its products, improve the welfare of 1 billion people and source all its agricultural products sustainably, while doubling its revenues.

Plan A

Case study: Marks & Spencer

Josie Allchin

Marks & Spencer’s Plan A made the business an extra £50m in the 12 months to 31 March 2010. The programme is now four years old and aims to reduce the retailer’s environmental impact while trading ethically and helping consumers become healthier. This involves meeting 180 self-imposed targets by 2015.


Brands to hand data back to customers

Russell Parsons

The Government is working with companies including Barclaycard, Everything Everywhere and Google to help develop a system that allows consumers instant digital access to the data collected by brands for marketing purposes.

Russell Parsons

Embrace the release of data

Russell Parsons

Consumer minister Ed Davey has a dream: “A shift away from a world in which certain businesses control the information they hold about consumers, towards one in which individuals, acting alone or in groups, can use their data or views about an organisation for their own or mutual benefit”.


Revving up consumers about green motoring should be a priority for car brands

MaryLou Costa

With communication around pricing, benefits and overall information leaving much to be desired, it’s no wonder consumers are confused about green cars. By all accounts the “green” car market is a fledgling one. According to statistics from research firm Datamonitor, and as featured in last week’s trends feature, hybrid and electric cars make up just […]