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Trust me, don’t use these Columnist Mark Ritson followed up his claim that all marketers need to define their brand is three little words, by pulling up innovation, integrity and trust as the three most clichéd and overused concepts employed by marketers around the globe to
position their brand. Read his column at mwlinks.co.uk/ integrityinnovation, and here are some of your comments below:

I guess we should tell the government to stop using those ’evil’ branding words as well since it’s common in their communications too.Anonymous

It’s the positioning tombola… the same words tumble around and drop out in any number of combinations. But while you’re at it, Mark, look at professional services (especially lawyers). You could then add ’leading’ and ’excellent’ to your list.

Funny. As always. Like comedian Steve Martin said: “Some people have a way with words. Some people not have way.” I’m busy persuading clients that in social media, they need a verbal identity, just as in printed media they need a colour palette, styling, etc. I think I’ll just cut out your piece and stick on their desk.

This is a really powerful point well made, but do we need the swearing? The bad language certainly doesn’t improve my view of the Ritson brand.
John King

I agree with Mark entirely. Other pointless words I would add are “quality”, “value for money”, “image” and “service” – they all need qualifying and tying down; otherwise they are just platitudes.
David Whiting