Walk the ethical walk

I agree with Secret Marketer (MW 9 June) that for many years we have lived in a ’me’ world, but we’re now in a ’we’ world and ’we’ need to do something. Over the past few years consumers have been bombarded with messages about brands’ corporate social responsibility and ’green’ credentials. In this noisy environment it has become increasingly difficult for consumers to identify which brands are actually making a difference and which are just talking the talk. Big brands no longer have the choice to opt out of their responsibilities, nor can they afford (for the sake of their reputations) to cut corners by using cheaper suppliers or unsustainable ingredients.

Whether it’s an HR department that safeguards equal opportunity; an innovation team that invests time in sourcing sustainable materials; or a corporate-wide initiative to recycle at all levels of the supply chain, it’s not about what you say any more, it’s about what you do.

Toby Southgate
UK managing director, The Brand Union