Month: June 2011


McDonald’s to push its CSR credentials in TV ad

Branwell Johnson

McDonald’s will introduce a CSR message into its latest television campaign, set to air tonight (14 June). The campaign highlights the company’s community involvement, environmental initiatives and its track record in “people development”. The 60 second TV spot is designed as an “A-Z” of the company and celebrates a number of different positive attributes of […]

Facebook’s fortunes depend on data

Michael Barnett

Data will be the key to Facebook’s financial future, especially in light of its expected stock market flotation. Perhaps that was never in doubt, but research released in the past week has underlined it emphatically. First came the story that Facebook charges a 29% lower cost per click for ads that keep traffic on the […]

P&G sets Olympic bar high

Lara O'Reilly

Procter & Gamble aims for its “P&G proud sponsor of mums” messaging for the London 2012 Olympics and recently announced Paralympics sponsorship campaigns, to be as iconic and long-lasting as its Gillette and Fairy liquid campaigns.


A rebrand alone will not keep DMA relevant

Russell Parsons

Not long after I started at Marketing Week, and began to follow developments in the world of direct marketing, a veteran direct marketer candidly questioned the very point of the DMA. His lunchtime polemic was that it was a dinosaur wedded to those whose business is a channel, physical mail, out of step with the […]