Month: October 2011


Supermarkets’ value perception falls

Rosie Baker

Despite the intensification of marketing activity to convince shoppers that they offer better prices and value than their rivals, the public’s perception of the value offered by supermarkets has fallen in recent weeks.


M-commerce sales rise 2.9%

Suzanne Bearne

Mobile sales have increased 2.9% year on year as consumers increasingly turn to their handsets to make purchases, according to research released today (October 21).

A blinkered digital vision makes marketers forget the customer

Lara O'Reilly

Kraft’s European marketing chief Daryl Fielding said something very profound this week, which on first glance could come across as stating the obvious: “marketers must remember they are talking to people”. It almost looks daft when written in black and white, but it is astounding how many digital marketers seem to forget this simple principle. […]