Month: September 2012


Doing more with less

Morag Cuddeford-Jones

Limited budgets may mean fewer celebrity endorsements and swanky press shows, but the principles of managing campaigns remain the same. Morag Cuddeford-Jones talks to seven industry experts about how they make the most out of fewer resources.


No erasing the past

Jo Roberts

Yesterday’s news is no longer today’s fish and chip paper: it can be found any time via Google’s search engine and instantly on social media. Jo Roberts reports on the implications this can have for chief executives and their companies.


Fast response calms riot fears

Nicola Smith

The riots that rocked London last summer caused widespread panic. Nicola Smith reveals how one council’s use of social media to stop the hysteria spreading led to it doubling its Twitter followers and boosting residents’ trust.


Mum’s the word

Jonathan Bacon

With an increasing number of mothers using search engines to plan activities, family centric PR strategies are using a wide range of multimedia tools – such as social networks and online films – to reach tech-savvy parents. Jonathan Bacon reports.

Letters to the editor 27/09/2012

Tess Waddington

While I strongly believe in the ‘simple power of benefits’ I would take issue with the idea that a cash reward has a similar effect. Although the phrase ‘cash is king’ is often heard, it is widely recognised among motivation and reward specialists that simply adding £X to an employee’s salary where it will more […]