Month: November 2012

Guinness World Records AR

Guinness World Records runs first AR push

Lara O'Reilly

Guinness World Records has launched an experiential augmented reality campaign, allowing consumers to “meet” some of its most famous record holders, as it looks to drive Christmas sales of its annual book.


Co-op’s new slogan has potential

Rosie Baker

The Co-operative is doing away with its “Good with food” strapline and replacing it with ‘Here for you for life’. Early feedback posted on Marketing Week and Twitter is mixed. While it’s not an instant hit, it’s a grower and with the right marketing to support it beyond Christmas it will be a success for the brand.

Steven Von Bevern

Upwardly mobile

Claire Fear

With usage growing exponentially and real-time feedback the research industry can’t ignore the opportunities mobile brings, explains Steve von Bevern of Research Now.