Month: June 2013

Mark Ritson

CEO supremo Lafley is back, P&G will be too

Aaron Inglethorpe

Nothing makes a marketing professor more upset than deleting cherished PowerPoint slides because the content has become outdated. So you can imagine how sad I was when AG Lafley stood down after 10 years as P&G’s chief executive in 2010. A professorial treasure trove of quotes, case studies and videos of the man was rendered unusable overnight.

Pamela Anderson Dreamscape Networks Banned Ad

Pamela Anderson ad ‘degrading to women’

Lara O'Reilly

A TV ad featuring an office worker’s fantasy of Baywatch star Pamela Anderson writhing in a bikini and covered in cream has been banned by the advertising authority on the basis it was “sexist” and “degrading to women”.


BlackBerry: Hoping to bear fruit

Lucy Handley

Once the leader of the mobile market, BlackBerry’s failure to change with consumer demand saw it lose its dominance. Now it is back with a new strategic plan and a leadership team that believes the company can return to the top.


A manifesto for CMOs

Michael Barnett

Marketing Week and sister brand Econsultancy have launched a modern marketing manifesto. We ask top CMOs what they think of it and what they believe the philosophy of marketing should be.


A digital future

Michael Barnett

CMOs are falling behind in making their businesses digitally oriented, according to new research, amid a growing need to keep on top of all the online points of contact consumers have with brands.


Boarding pass

Michael Barnett

The ability to quantify and demonstrate a return on investment around marketing spend is elevating the role of the chief marketing officer and giving them a clearer route to a permanent seat on the board.


Mourinho’s return will ‘heighten’ personal brand value

Seb Joseph

Jose Mourinho’s return to Chelsea FC and the Premier League has been called a ‘massive commercial opportunity’ for brands by sponsorship experts, who claim the controversial manager’s ability to attract high levels of global media coverage will swell now Sir Alex Ferguson has retired.