Month: September 2013

Mark Ritson

Fickle teens can make or break a brand

Tess Waddington

Scandal has followed Abercrombie & Fitch ever since the clothes brand first broke through in the American market. There were lawsuits from employees fired for apparently not being attractive enough. There were politically incorrect statements from the chief executive that he only wanted “cool kids” to wear its clothes. There was even an intriguing offer to pay the cast of US reality show Jersey Shore to not wear Abercrombie clothes. Read my previous article here.


Q&A: Tricia Wilber, Disney

Josie Allchin

As part of Marketing Week’s profile of Disney’s Tricia Wilber, features editor Lucy Handley quizzes the brand’s CMO for the EMEA regions and general manager for Disney Channels about her biggest marketing challenges.

Disney’s history of magic: Timeline

Josie Allchin

Also in this story Profile: Tricia Wilber – chief marketing officer The Walt Disney Company EMEA, and general manager for Disney Channels Q&A: Watch an exclusive video interview with Tricia Wilber Violetta – a story of success for Disney Channels EMEA 1923 – The Disney Brothers Studio founded 1928 – the film Steamboat Willie is released, […]

Violetta – a story of success for Disney Channels EMEA

Josie Allchin

Violetta is a talented teenager who has been living in Europe and returns to her native Buenos Aires. In the first original co-production between Disney Channels EMEA and Disney Channel Latin America, the TV series of the same name premiered in Latin America and Italy in May 2012.


Marketing the Disney way

Lucy Handley

As chief marketing officer at The Walt Disney Company EMEA and general manager for Disney Channels, Tricia Wilber is the ultimate multi-tasker, bringing the different strands of the business on to the same page, while responding to cultural change and not being afraid to take risks.


NSA files reveal war on data privacy

Michael Barnett

Leaks from US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal an erosion of citizens’ privacy thanks to government surveillance, with big technology brands trapped in the middle. So what reason is left for marketers to respect consumers’ data rights?