Month: May 2014

Peter Gowers Travelodge outside

Q&A: CEO of Travelodge Peter Gowers

Branwell Johnson

Peter Gowers, CEO of Travelodge and the former chief marketing officer of InterContinental Hotels Group, explains the customer trends he is seeing and the learnings from his international experience as Travelodge launches its new TV campaign:

Richard Millar

The anatomy of a good story

Michael Barnett

Advertisement feature Brands need a new ‘hero’s journey’ to guide them through the overloaded media environment. Richard Millar breaks down the pattern for successful brand storytelling.

NIck Woods

Killing our little darlings

Michael Barnett

Advertisement feature WE’s Nick Woods argues that whether you lead a PR agency, are part of an agency team or are a client, there is a new crop of PR agencies that prioritise insight, original thinking and adventure.

Michael Barnett

PR Opinions Foreword

Michael Barnett

Content and native advertising are substantially changing the nature of marketing today and no discipline is going to feel that drive to change more than PR.


Target CEO’s downfall sets bar for future data breaches

Michael Barnett

The consequences of brands’ data protection breaches in the past have mostly been restricted to bad PR – whether that’s electronics giant Sony, job site Monster or gaming platform Steam. But US retailer Target has shown that the result can be a tangible impact on the bottom line and, ultimately, on the fate of top executives.