Month: June 2014


Tesco steps up marketing to get across price message

Sarah Vizard

Tesco is launching a two-pronged marketing strategy to stem worsening sales that will see it ramp up investment in TV and print advertising to hammer home price cuts and focus on driving long-term customer loyalty at the expense of promotional couponing. 

What’s in a name?

Tess Waddington

Mark Ritson’s take on the Dixons Carphone merger was excellent. A very funny, very pointed look at every type of disappointing rebrand there’s ever been. But what linked all the failed examples (both real and imaginary) is that they focused on names as the very centre of the brand. A name alone is not enough […]


Heineken overturns Kronenbourg ad ban

Lara O'Reilly

Heineken has successfully won its appeal against the ban of two advertising campaigns for its Kronenbourg 1664 brand, which the advertising watchdog originally claimed overemphasised the beer’s French provenance.