Month: September 2014

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Why are online retailers still ignoring personalisation?

Lucy Tesseras

Amazon has long been lauded as the darling of online personalisation so it comes as no surprise that 82 per cent of UK shoppers agree that it leads the way. What is highly shocking, however, is the fact that just two per cent of online retailers think offering a tailored shopping experience is important, according to a new study published today.

Data could be Tesco’s salvation

Jonathan Bacon

Analysis of the downfall of Tesco inevitably focuses on the things it no longer has: a clear sense of purpose, consumer trust and affection, sustainable relationships with suppliers, and so on. Most recently, it was revealed that Tesco no longer has £250m of profits it had previously booked for the first half of this year. Its woes are unlikely to end any time soon.

Customer satisfaction should be every retailer’s goal

Samuel Joy

Tesco is lying on the operating table being viciously dissected by pundits to account for its <a href="">decline in profit, market share and brand reputation</a> (and that’s without mentioning the overstated profits scandal that is causing this week’s crisis).