Month: September 2014

Apple IPhone 6 Fallon and Timberlake

The Marketing Week

Samuel Joy

Welcome to The Marketing Week, your guide to the good, the bad and the ugly in the marketing industry over the last seven days.

Lara O'Reilly 654 400

Facebook’s ad feedback update could be a force for good for all digital ads

Lara O'Reilly

The genius of Facebook’s new feature which gives users the opportunity to provide feedback about why they chose to hide ads in the News Feed, isn’t just the fact that it’s allowing people to complain about naff ads. Rather, it’s that Facebook is applying more weighting to feedback from those who rarely speak up – not just the “Angry from Berkshire”s whose feet are firmly welded to their soapboxes – and attempting to serve up better ads to everyone as a result.

All 4

Channel 4 to replace 4oD with ‘All 4’

Lara O'Reilly

Channel 4 is replacing its 4oD on demand service with a new digital home for all the broadcaster’s content – both live and catch-up – dubbed All 4, which will open up more online advertising opportunities for brands.