Year: 2016

How connected cars are driving innovation

Jonathan Bacon

With most major auto makers unveiling new plans for connected cars at the Consumer Electronics Show, the industry is set for unprecedented change over the next decade. But how should brands communicate the benefits of connectivity to customers?

Tanya Joseph

Marketer of the year Tanya Joseph on the future of ‘This Girl Can’ and Sport England’s strategy for 2016

Mindi Chahal

The UK’s marketing success story of 2015 was Sport England’s ‘This Girl Can’ campaign, which aims to make women of all ages and abilities more active. It won numerous awards at Cannes Lions 2015, including the much-trumpeted inaugural Glass Lion, celebrating advertising that promotes gender equality. The campaign, created with agency FCB Inferno, persuaded 1.6 […]

Mark Ritson: Replacing ‘digital’ with ‘interactive’ is a mistake

Mark Ritson

The news that adam&eveDDB has dropped the digital designation from all its job titles came as no surprise last week. Despite the prevalence of the D word and the omnipresence of digital planners, digital strategists and digital marketers under every lamp post, nobody in the know ever doubted that the prefix would eventually become an anachronism.