Hack your Christmas: Switch off

Inspiring ideas to expand your mind over the festive period.

We know Marketing Week’s content is compelling, but it’s still a surprise to look at our analytics and learn that thousands of people checked our website last Christmas Day. A third of those did so on iPhones or iPads – perhaps while popping to the kitchen to check on the turkey. The busiest time was 8pm, so marketers clearly weren’t interested in watching Call the Midwife.

For these dedicated individuals, we have an important Christmas message: take a break. While we appreciate being the tactic of choice for escaping the tedium of awkward conversations with the in-laws, being constantly tuned in to work isn’t good for either your health or your productivity.

Stanford University research found working more than 50 hours a week leads to a rapid drop-off in what you achieve, while there are numerous studies linking failure to take time off to a variety of health issues.

However, it’s not uncommon for people to let work – via the insidious influence of various screens – infiltrate their home lives and holidays. Half of people check emails outside of work, 73% think screens contribute to greater stress and three out of five say they spend more time on their computer than with their loved ones, according to research by the University of California, San Diego; Kelton Research; and meQuilibrium.com.

So if you feel tempted to log on over the holiday, think twice (or at least pick up the print magazine instead).

