5 killer stats to start your week
We arm you with all the stats you need to prepare for the coming week and help you understand the big industry trends.
1. Facebook and Google continue to dominate digital ad spend
Google and Facebook will continue to dominate digital advertising in the UK, according to eMarketer’s latest ad forecast. The two tech companies combined will account for more than half (54%) of all digital ad revenues this year, totalling £6.30bn.
Google remains the largest UK player: In 2017, the search giant’s total digital ad revenues will amount to £4.43bn and will rise to £5.10bn by 2019. Facebook is expected reach £1.87bn in digital ad revenue this year and by 2019 the social media giant is expected to bring in £2.57bn.
Source: eMarketer
2. Outdated ads are ‘causing resentment’
TV advertising still relies too heavily on outdates stereotypes, new research suggests – almost half of all those surveyed in the UK said they felt TV ads show too many outdated stereotypes (47.8%).
Almost half (41.5%) of women surveyed said they begrudge how women are represented in advertising, compared to less than a third (31.7%) feeling the same about the portrayal of men.
Source: Havas Creative
3. Media consumption is on the up
Adults are spending almost 8 hours each day consuming media, up 9% since 2016. TV/video is still the largest medium in terms of both weekly reach and average hours viewed.
Multi-media consumption also continues to grow. Back in 2005, 79% of adults were consuming two or more media in the same half hour – this has risen to 92% in 2017. Furthermore, over 26% of all adults are consuming more than three different media in any half hour.
Source: IPA
4. Underinvestment in measurement and advertising stifles growth
CMOs that value measurement are seeing more success, seeing a 5% improvement in ROI performance and 7.5% better business growth versus average performers.
Amid the current industry trend for marketing budget cuts, CMOs advise spending aggressively on marketing measurement rather than trimming it in order to achieve greater media effectiveness and efficiency.
Source: Neustar/Forbes
5. Brands need to ‘stay in the game’ with customer loyalty
Brand reputation is not enough to drive loyalty. If the customer experience doesn’t match up, 50% of consumers will happily buy products from a brand they’ve never heard of before.
Meanwhile, 53% of consumers like it when brands use their data to provide a personalised experience, but 76% want transparency on how this data is being used.
Source: Adobe/Goldsmiths University