Jonathan Bacon


Mum’s the word

Jonathan Bacon

With an increasing number of mothers using search engines to plan activities, family centric PR strategies are using a wide range of multimedia tools – such as social networks and online films – to reach tech-savvy parents. Jonathan Bacon reports.


Q&A: Ralph Straus, Fifa

Jonathan Bacon

Ralph Straus, head of strategy and brand management at Fifa, tells Jonathan Bacon how the football body is leveraging its historical brand assets and breaking into new markets ahead of the 2014 World Cup.


Charity begins in-house

Jonathan Bacon

A growing number of international brands are using in-house charitable foundations to not only help developing nations but also promote their values and global reach.


Top of the pop-ups

Jonathan Bacon

The summer is a time for brands to venture outside their comfort zones. And this year, many have used the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the London Olympics as inspiration for temporary stands and shops where marketers can engage customers through innovative, immersive experiences. Jonathan Bacon takes a stroll around London and beyond in search of the most attention-grabbing pop-ups.