Jo Roberts

Jo Roberts

Why bother with product placement?

Jo Roberts

The effectiveness of product placement really does need to be questioned. Results of research carried out by Lightspeed, for Marketing Week, are, frankly, terrible for anyone who thought they’d make some extra cash from a Government decision to allow brands to advertise within television shows.

How can you make your brand’s value rocket?

Jo Roberts

The recession has been the making or breaking of many brands, and those that have used the time to reappraise their role in the changing market are now scaling up the 2010 Brand Finance Global 500 list to become the world’s power brands.

Charities need clever thinking

Jo Roberts

Feeling charitable might have been enough of an incentive for people to donate their money to good causes a few years ago, but faced with tougher choices these days, it appears consumers need more evidence before dipping into their pockets.

Learning from others’ mistakes

Jo Roberts

The old adage ‘you learn from your mistakes’ has been adapted slightly for a more risk-adverse marketer. Instead, FMCG brands can learn from others’ mistakes, according to the latest research from Datamonitor.

Mobilise the people to shape your brand

Jo Roberts

The ability of personal recommendation online to sway purchasing decisions is well known, but some major brands are taking the concept of consumer influence a step further, harnessing its power to reposition brands, develop new products and broaden appeal.By Jo Roberts

Jo Roberts

Merging the online and offline world

Jo Roberts

Many high street stores are still suffering from the effects of the recession and won’t be greatly comforted that economic growth has risen by a paltry 0.1% in the last three months of 2009, according to the Office of National Statistics.


Putting a new face on your brand

Jo Roberts

Calling time on TV advertising for alcohol brands looks more likely after a Health Select Committee’s report last week. But an allout ban need not spell disaster for this already promotionally fettered industry: it could lead to new highs of creative strategic thinking.


Developing commercial skills

Jo Roberts

The CIM is concerned that marketers are placing too much emphasis on creative ideas at the expense of sound business sense, and has launched the Infinity Model to help them assess whether their campaigns can contribute real corporate value.