Lara O'Reilly


Sony must press restart on comms strategy to repair reputation

Lara O'Reilly

Sony PlayStation’s announcement that its database, which houses the details of over 77 million customers, was hacked could turn into the greatest data leak in history. The Sony PlayStation Network, that allows gamers to play against users around the globe, listen to music and watch films has now been offline for over a week. Although […]


Dot com giants have decided that content is king

Lara O'Reilly

AOL, Yahoo!, MSN and YouTube have all declared allegiance to professionally generated content and announced a change in strategy to focus on becoming media providers. The dot com giants of the early part of the last decade now believe that if they are going to keep audiences glued to their sites and retain advertisers’ interest […]


YouTube overhaul will deliver “likes” all round

Lara O'Reilly

Google is planning an overhaul of YouTube, with changes including a $100m (£62m) investment in “low-cost” yet “professionally produced” original content, according to a report published earlier this week. If the report is to be believed, the site will become further populated with original programming made specifically for the web by YouTube or partners. The […]