Lara O'Reilly

BlackBerry range

BlackBerry confirms it is scrapping CMO role

Lara O'Reilly

BlackBerry has confirmed it will not be directly replacing the role of outgoing CMO Frank Boulben, the latest in a long line of strategic moves, including the exits of two other high profile marketers within the business, which suggest the company is shifting focus away from consumers to its enterprise customers under its new management.

Wonga ad

Wonga CEO steps down

Lara O'Reilly

Wonga’s CEO and co-founder Errol Damelin is to step back from the day to day running of the company to become its chairman, a move he says will allow him time to focus on the long-term strategy for the controversial payday lender.

BT Sport Supporters Club

BT Sport readies new TV ad

Lara O'Reilly

BT Sport is readying a new TV advertising campaign with creative that shifts from focusing on the channels’ presenter lineup and brand ambassadors to highlighting the passion fans feel for live sport.