Mark Choueke

Twitter: @markchoueke

Mark Choueke

Let the party political pantomime begin

Mark Choueke

I expect the next few months to produce some fairly painful marketing. The three main political parties have effectively kicked off their campaigns and the only good thing I can say about the forthcoming general election is that one way or another, the whole miserable process will probably be over by 7 May.

Deal or no media deal? Call swap shop

Mark Choueke

Noel Edmonds introduced children of the Seventies to bartering when he hosted Multi-Coloured Swap Shop. Mark Choueke discovers that when it comes to buying media space, the principle is alive and still evolving

A new weapon in the battle for recognition

Mark Choueke

If you haven’t already seen Deutsche Bank’s research note published on Monday then it really is worth a look. It’s not often that these dry but instructive documents make for a marketer’s dream read but this one truly does.

Beware outrage that follows false claims

Mark Choueke

In such an exposed market, with consumer trust at an absolute premium, you must be able to stand by every message you communicate to the market. Whether it be an offer or promotion conveyed through your advertising or a claim printed on your packaging, it has to be honest and to the consumer’s taste. If […]

Research Showcase 2009

Mark Choueke

Introduction: Insight. Real, authentic knowledge of what your customers are thinking, feeling, seeing and being influenced by. It’s like a mirage that seems ever further away the more you read what your consumers are Twittering or reporting back to their Facebook communities.

Specialist content is way forward online

Mark Choueke

There’s an argument going on regarding news organisations charging for online content. Content that was previously free. When Rupert Murdoch announced last May that he will charge for access to all of News Corporation’s newspaper websites within a year, he effectively pressed the start button on a stopwatch. Time for navel-gazing is over. We all, […]

Rose and Sharp

War of the Rose

Mark Choueke

Embattled M&S chief Stuart Rose and marketing director Steve Sharp answer their critics and launch a solid and vivacious defence of their governance and marketing strategies.

The thorny problem for Rose and Sharp

Mark Choueke

The night before I met Marks & Spencer executive chairman and CEO Stuart Rose and its marketing director Steve Sharp, marketers from some of the world’s biggest brands gathered on the roof of Unilever House on the banks of the Thames to celebrate The Marketing Society’s 50th anniversary. When I mentioned to one group at […]

Marketing week live meets expectations

Mark Choueke

I am writing this on the run. I’m down at the Grand Hall at Olympia checking out the first day of Marketing Week Live, our event that reflects the integrated nature of modern marketing. (If you still don’t know what I’m talking about check out When I arrived on site at about 8am, colleagues […]

Watch this space to keep track of changes

Mark Choueke

I met Philip Kotler this week. We had breakfast while he was in London for a couple of days. A remarkable man. Dr Kotler did not appear jaded by a tour schedule that would make Glastonbury headliner Bruce Springsteen weep. In between teaching at the Kellogg School of Management in Illinois and acting as consultant […]

Everything a marketer needs under one roof

Mark Choueke

If you don’t innovate and push investment during a recession you’re going to fail. Standing still means you’re moving backwards. I know, I know, you’ve heard it all said a hundred times already and read it a hundred more. But as a publishing company with a top media brand in the marketing sector, we lead by example and like to show we are practicing what we preach.

Asda team runs Wal-Mart academy

Mark Choueke

Asda’s marketing team will train retail executives from all of Wal-Mart’s non-US brands at a new global retail marketing academy based here in the UK. Wal-Mart, the most valuable brand in the world, according to the latest Brand Finance Global 500 survey, is relying on the centre of marketing excellence to help it grow its […]

Marketing at heart of all retail success

Mark Choueke

When Wal-Mart admitted defeat in 2006 after eight years of trying to make Germany one of its key markets, it was clear then that the US giant needed help. Its approach to business, so successful on the other side of the Atlantic, had not translated into German.

Thin shafts of light pierce black mood

Mark Choueke

Our cover image this week might suggest that we at Marketing Week have spotted the green shoots of recovery and are calling the end of the recession. We’re not. This particular recession is as deep as it is wide and it’s clear to even to the most unseasoned observer that there is still a long way to go before full economic health is restored.