MaryLou Costa


Online fashion retailing comes of age

MaryLou Costa

With the launch of Google’s and Asos Marketplace, online fashion retailing has taken the next step to usurp the high street – bringing brands even closer to their customers. News last week that internet giant Google launched its new platform in the US, while online fashion guru Asos launched its new Marketplace website, […]


Brands can become an important part of a traveller’s journey

MaryLou Costa

Mobile apps and websites can embed a travel brand in a consumer’s mind through the whole process of their holiday by providing more local information. As increasingly less destinations in the world can be classed as “undiscovered”, the adventure seekers in us are looking for more unique, authentic and local experiences in the places we […]


Data Protection

MaryLou Costa

Sometimes when brands get in touch, it’s impossible to work out where they got your details. And this uncertainty is making more people wary of giving out their personal information. However, if brands can build up a reputation for being trustworthy then consumers are willing to hand over their particulars, according to the latest research […]


‘i will be a model for the newspaper industry’

MaryLou Costa

The managing director of i – The Independent’s new spin-off title – tells MaryLou Costa that the paid-for daily newspaper will satisfy an untapped appetite for bite-size quality content while returning a profit. Click here to read a Q+A with Andrew Mullins Click here to read what other marketers have to say to Andrew Mullins […]


What’s marketing got to do with IT?

MaryLou Costa

Marketing and IT don’t always speak the same language, but this is set to change as social commerce escalates brand engagement with consumers. Technology is one of those things that most of us think happens in a dingy basement with a couple of nerdy guys in plaid shirts and dark-rimmed glasses talking in the bits […]


Seeing a gap in the market can fill the gaps for your brand

MaryLou Costa

Responding to changing consumer behaviour has seen the luxury travel market evolve to stay strong despite the recession. With BA staff strikes, the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud, freak January snowstorms and ongoing issues with exchange rates, you can definitely spare a thought for those brands operating in the travel market. But, as I heard at […]


Brand characters can bring home the bacon

MaryLou Costa

Comparethemarket walked away with the Brand of the Year trophy at the Marketing Week Engage Awards 2010 thanks to its strategy based on the adventures of the aristocratic meerkat Aleksandr Orlov. Advertising agency VCCP also won Agency of the Year for its work on the business and telecoms client O2.


How technology drives insight and insight drives technology

MaryLou Costa

The insight that is coming from social commerce is bringing brands closer to their customers, so marketers need to get to grips with how to put those insights to good use, and create initiatives that will field that insight. Prenatal is a European maternity and early childhood brand that has revealed how digital insights have […]

Can brands still make the cut for students?

MaryLou Costa

Students are one of the groups to be hit hardest by the Government’s spending review, so should this change how brands communicate with them? Students were singled out by the media this month as one of the groups that the coalition government has looked towards to help it out of the deficit, by proposing to […]

Brands can show pride at being gay-friendly

MaryLou Costa

We all know about the pink pound, but why are advertisers reluctant to use gay media to get it? There is something about gay culture that has always fascinated me – perhaps it is the fun-loving flamboyance of many gay men, or the outspoken confidence of many gay women, that appeals to me, and that […]