Nicola Smith

Is big data delivering ROI?

Nicola Smith

Big data seems to divide brands into either advocates or sceptics, with some now seeing paybacks and others having jumped in unwisely. Whichever side they are on, brands need to set out their goals first before deciding whether to invest.

Cloud services shake off the security worries

Nicola Smith

Using the cloud means brands can scale their offerings without having to buy extra hardware. This freedom and flexibility surpasses that afforded by internal systems, but do the advantages outweigh concerns over security and reputation?

Sleeping with the enemy

Sleeping with the enemy

Nicola Smith

In a world of connected commerce more brands are working with rivals to enter new markets and reach new audiences to ensure healthy futures in the face of new digital competition.


How to start your own business

Nicola Smith

When Claire Harper decided to leave corporate life and start her own business – IndiaCoco – she had just her idea and a little brand-book selling to turn it into a success.

go outdoors

Click with your customers

Nicola Smith

Email campaigns need to be more sophisticated than ever to stand out and achieve clicks, with high levels of targeting and segmentation, a strong visual presence and relevant, compelling content.