Bypassing the first car insurer

I was interested to read your car article “Fighting for cover” (MW September 29).

However, as the first car insurance operator to advertise on TV in the Sixties, with the highest share of voice in the market in May this year and a market share of six per cent, I was concerned to see that Swinton – and a number of other key players – had not been included in George Boyter’s examination.

We believe our new ad campaign (courtesy of BBH) stands above the crowd, not only in its creative execution, clarity and differentiation of message, but also in its success. Our enquiry levels rose by 50 per cent in one month and we have just won first place in the IPC magazine ad awards for our challenging Women Drivers campaign (who wants to be called a lady driver nowadays?). Unlike our competitors, we have used large colour ads in the press that have given us the highest Millward Brown awareness score for that medium.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but there is someone else out there doing something different. Next time, let’s have a bit more objectivity and research.

Carole Mullineux

Marketing communications manager

