Campaign of the year

Comended: Helping Protect Babies Together Pampers / Unicef Procter & Gamble

Comended: Helping Protect Babies Together Pampers / Unicef Procter & Gamble

Procter & Gamble’s corporate social responsibility programme Live, Learn & Thrive supports the health, education and development of children in developing countries in conjunction with Unicef. The campaign has delivered a 6% growth in sales of Pampers nappies.


Winner: Tobacco Control: Get Unhooked Department of Health/COI

Smokers and non-smokers alike have long been used to the graphic “hearts and lungs” depictions of the damage done to the human body by smoking a cigarette, so the NHS needed a new twist to grab their attention. The marketing message that followed – you’re hooked – with images of people literally being hooked through the mouth had an immediate effect, with many people calling for both the TV and billboard ads to be banned.

Smoking kills almost 90,000 people in England every year, and costs the NHS more than £1.5bn. The “Get Unhooked” campaign used a carrot-andstick approach, confronting smokers with the controversial message that they were effectively addicts, but then reassuring them that there was help available through the NHS. The graphic imagery was used, on TV, interactive TV, in the press, on posters, through ambient, direct marketing, and in GPs’ surgeries and online.

It was one of the most well-known campaigns of 2007, with 90% awareness among smokers. It also generated 774 complaints, more than any other campaign, and huge coverage in the national press.

However, negative feedback was outweighed by the positive response from smokers – the Advertising Standards Authority said the posters were likely to “frighten and distress children”, but the Department of Health said the campaign had been “highly effective”, claiming over 1.3 million people had contacted an anti-smoking helpline and website during the campaign – double the response generated in 2006. Using the Government’s estimate of the “cost of a human life”, the potential saving to the NHS is £1.8bn, far outweighing the cost of the campaign (£7.1m).

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Whether it’s a consumer or business research sample, e-Rewards is the online quality leader and committed to excellence. e-Rewards is delighted to be sponsoring the Marketing Week Campaign of the Year award.

Jonathan Sumner
Managing Director
e-Rewards Europe

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Jonathan Sumner
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