Case Study: Mariachi Doritos Vine videos, #DoritosNameThatTune

In what is traditionally a time for chocolate brands to spend money on marketing, Doritos ran a Vine campaign at Easter with a competition using the hashtag ‘name that tune’. It saw the Marketing Week Engage Award-winning Mariachi Doritos, the brand’s band that launched in the UK in summer 2012, perform clips for fans to guess in return for prizes.

In partnership with its agency, AMV BBDO, Doritos ran the competition over one day as a promoted trend on Twitter and introduced new songs throughout the day to keep content fresh, keeping the trend evolving and allow repeat entry.

The tunes were well-known party tracks played with a Mexican Mariachi spin. By participating, consumers were entered for a chance to win Doritos Easter party packs to encourage additional engagement.

Using Vine meant that consumers got a six-second clip of the band playing a tune. The videos also looped so that the tune repeated automatically and users had to click to hear sound as the default mode on Vine is mute, so they were opting in to engage.

Taylor Jenkins, brand manager at Doritos UK, says: “We wanted to try something cutting edge, something that can be instantly engaging and we thought that this platform was great. By using a promoted trend in Twitter it also allowed us to get mass awareness and we thought it was the perfect platform to leverage the Mariachi Doritos.”

Social activity for Doritos is based around key moments of the year and Easter is the third biggest category spike in the crisps and snacks market. The Vine video achieved an engagement rate of 22.7 per cent, the normal benchmark rate being between 11 and 15 per cent, and had 27.3 million impressions in 24 hours compared to the normal 9.5 million benchmark.

Also, 1.14 million people saw the promoted ’trending topic’ on Twitter and the brand’s value sales of Doritos sharing bags grew in the month of Easter by 20 per cent.

Jenkins adds: “It’s been a great case study for us to leverage in the future. As we plan for Christmas campaigns I think social engagement across the Twitter and Vine platforms could be a massive asset to us. There are no further plans that are nailed down but its definitely a possibility.”



Mercedes gears up for Fashion Week

Ronan Shields

Mercedes-Benz plans to amplify its association with fashion through a host of celebrity and social media tie-ups, as well as branded content releases, in the coming weeks as it prepares for London Fashion Week where it is an official sponsor.