

Amazon Fire 3D phone aims to quicken mobile sales

Seb Joseph

Amazon’s long-mooted entry into the smartphone arena aims to make it simpler to shop online with a “point and shop” option and a 3D display. But mobile experts are divided on whether the features are enough to convince shoppers to switch from rival phones and have a tangible impact on its ecommerce offering.

Kathy Savitt

Q&A Kathy Savitt, chief marketing officer at Yahoo

Mindi Chahal

Cannes 2014: Yahoo’s CMO, Kathy Savitt was handed the brief of firing up the company’s video and news offerings earlier this year. In an exclusive interview at Cannes Lions 2014, Marketing Week asks Yahoo’s CMO, Kathy Savitt about why video is a growth area for the business, its mobile-first approach and its brand perception in the UK.

Baby boomers 3

Targeting the baby boomers

Mindi Chahal

Research reveals that those aged 50 and over feel excluded by brands and misrepresented in advertising and with stats showing that a third of the population are 50 plus, is this a missed opportunity for brands?