

UK brands ramp up Beacons use

Seb Joseph

Retailers and advertisers are pushing forward with plans to implement proximity based marketing tool Beacons into their campaigns across the UK in anticipation of a wider rollout once efforts from the US have been reviewed.


The many ‘deaths’ of digital marketing

Ruth Mortimer

Digital marketing is apparently dead. Procter & Gamble’s global brand building officer Marc Pritchard talked about the end of digital as something separate or distinct from general marketing in his keynote at Dmexco in Cologne, Germany, last September. Forrester has also recently mooted that we are now in an era of “post-digital” marketing.

App store

Why brands shouldn’t always opt for a free app

Lara O'Reilly

When it comes to creating a branded app, logic usually dictates that creating a free app would offer more benefits than a paid version could provide. But by creating quality paid-for apps, marketers could unlock missed opportunities in terms of discoverability, partner marketing and user engagement.