

Wired for sound

Lou Cooper

Sonic identity: What we hear when experiencing a brand is key to forming a positive opinion of it, according to research, and many brands are now using sound to their advantage.

Marketing to children

Marketing to kids

Lucy Tesseras

As the industry waits for the Government’s reaction to the Bailey Review and lobby groups step up their efforts to ban advertising to under-11s, can there ever be an ethical way to market to children?

Lara O'Reilly

YouTube has won the battle with TV? ‘B*llocks’!

Lara O'Reilly

This week Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt declared the battle between YouTube and TV was over, with its digital service the victor in this apparent media war. “Bollocks”, tweeted Thinkbox CEO Tess Alps [in a conversation with Google UK’s head of agency sales Matt Bush]. I’m inclined to agree with her.


Brand audit: Argos

Ronan Shields

Argos managing director John Walden has led the company towards its first sales rise in five years and its digitally focused strategy is starting to positively impact on perceptions of the brand.