

Brands stand by their man but for how long?

Seb Joseph

The decision by sponsors Nike, AB Inbev and Radioshack to stand by Lance Armstrong’s despite allegations from US anti-doping chiefs that he is a “serial cheat” is about their unwillingness to turn their backs on multi-million dollar brand strategies until there is unequivocal proof of wrong-doing. It is unlikley, however, that his allure to sponsors will last beyond the length of the current deals.


Ebay to offer brands consumer insights

Lara O'Reilly

Ebay is planning to share consumer insights with the marketing community about the way users shop and search on its site for the first time as it bids to boost its appeal to would-be advertisers and for ads on the platform and elsewhere to be more “inspirational” to shoppers.

EE Logo

How EE hopes to make staff its key marketing asset

Lara O'Reilly

An Orange or T-Mobile employee will have been forgiven for being a bit confused about who they worked for in the two years since the companies merged to form Everything Everywhere. Now the company – which has been rebranded as EE – is taking strides in its internal communications strategy, not only to educate employees about the propositions from the new joint brand and corporate entity, but to immerse them in it to convince them they are working for the “best” operator in the market.