

Keeping the dream alive

Mindi Chahal

Consumers will return to the high street if retail brands make shopping an opportunity to dream and explore, rather than a domestic chore, according to research seen by Marketing Week.

Secret Marketer

The Secret Marketer on client/agency relationships

David Coveney

This week I want to talk about the roles of agencies for many client brands. What is an agency? Some would call it a centre of specialism that clients do not have themselves, while others might term it an external impetus of new thinking. Or is simply it an extra pair of hands? For many of us (on both sides of the fence), it is all of these.

Please make the brand valuation humiliation stop

Mark Ritson

I went to see my doctor last week and he told me I had contracted a venereal disease. Somewhat taken aback, I visited a different doctor for a second opinion. He ran a series of tests and came back with mixed news. I was free from any sexually transmitted diseases but, unfortunately, his tests showed that I was in the late stages of dengue fever and had only six weeks to live. With my head in a spin I spoke to a good friend who is a GP. He ran me through a battery of tests and then pronounced me in amazing health for someone in their 40s, with absolutely nothing to worry about.


Q&A: Ralph Straus, Fifa

Jonathan Bacon

Ralph Straus, head of strategy and brand management at Fifa, tells Jonathan Bacon how the football body is leveraging its historical brand assets and breaking into new markets ahead of the 2014 World Cup.