
Trends: Media multitaskers

Jo Roberts

As consumers increasingly watch TV and use the internet simultaneously, marketers must think creatively to get their brand messages across to the surprisingly wide spectrum of media multitaskers.

Bruce Willis

Aviva gets a positive reaction to rebrand

Russell Parsons

More than two-thirds of marketers believe that Aviva’s rebrand from Norwich Union has been a success. Sixty-seven per cent of marketing professionals who responded to a marketingweek.co.uk online poll say the high profile six-month campaign has successfully communicated the name change.

Marketers spot their first (pale) green shoots

Louise Jack

The hard times aren’t over yet: fears of job insecurity and the economy worsening still abound, but for the first time since the recession hit home, CIM research finds most marketers optimistic about their business’ future and their ability to adapt to these tough times. By Louise Jack

Create element of excitement

Ruth Mortimer

Despite people saying they are altering their lifestyles to counter the effects of the recession, Ruth Mortimer discovers that while price may have some effect on behaviour it is aspects that arouse consumers’ emotions that marketers must focus on

NatMags will axe marketing roles in bid to reduce costs

The National Magazine Company, publisher of Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar and Esquire, is merging its marketing and circulation departments as part of a major cost-cutting strategy. The newly formed department will be headed by director of circulations and marketing, Sharon Douglas, who will move into the new role of director of consumer sales and marketing. The […]

Big Brother part of £12m Lucozade Energy campaign

GlaxoSmithKline is launching a major £12m marketing campaign for its Lucozade Energy brand with the activity tying up with its sponsorship of reality show Big Brother. Lucozade Energy will become the first major grocery sponsor of the Channel 4 programme which is due to return to screens for its tenth year on June 4. Last […]