Direct Marketing

Russell Parsons

Data key to Groupon turnaround

Russell Parsons

For all the painfully honest deconstruction of his own performance contained in Andrew Mason’s resignation as CEO of Groupon last week, it was his candid admission that his intuition was often sidelined in favour of data that resonated the most.

Russell Parsons

Apocalyptic predictions are not helpful

Russell Parsons

Last month, the Information Commissioner told a gathering of direct marketing professionals that they must stop sniping from the sidelines about what they see as the apocalyptic impact changes to data protection laws will bring, “get real” and except major changes are inevitable because of legitimate consumer concerns over the use of personal data.

Russell Parsons

Data is not the enemy of creativity

Russell Parsons

A debate has been raging on Stripped to its core, in one corner you have creative types pleading for freedom to develop without being sullied by anything as prosaic as data and in the other those that argue creativity is an unaffordable luxury in these austere times when not backed by data.