EMAP Elán plans rival to Company

EMAP Elán is understood to be awaiting board approval for a new young women’s magazine. The new magazine, which has been under research, is designed to capture readers of the company’s highly successful late-teens’ magazine more!

EMAP Elán is understood to be awaiting board approval for a new young women’s magazine.

The new magazine, which has been under research, is designed to capture readers of the company’s highly successful late-teens’ magazine more! as they get older.

The magazine sells almost twice as many copies as Marie Claire or Cosmopolitan every month.

The new title will target the same early 20s age group as the National Magazine Company’s Company magazine, although it is not known whether it will be a perfect-bound monthly.

EMAP is known for its magazine innovation and sources believe the new title will be radically different from traditional monthly glossies.

Industry sources are tipping Toni Rogers, the former editor of EMAP’s Just Seventeen, as editor of the title.

EMAP Elán’s stable of teenage girl’s titles has suffered from increased competition in the teen market from three magazine launches last year.

Its flagship magazine, Just Seventeen, lost 31 per cent of its circulation in the July-December audit period, falling to 185,000, while Big! fell 32 per cent to 190,000.

EMAP Elán managing director Sue Hawken was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.