GDPR, sport sponsorship, commercial radio: 5 killer stats to start your week

We arm marketers with all the numbers they need to tackle the week ahead.

1. GDPR fails to improve brand experience

Despite brands’ best efforts, 46% of consumers don’t believe GDPR has made any difference to brand experience and 17% say things have become worse over the past 12 months.

The majority of consumers claim to have a good understanding of the data law, with 93% saying they’ve heard of GDPR and 39% suggesting they know a ‘fair amount’ or a ‘great deal’ about it.

Almost half (48%) say they understand their rights around how their personal data is used and 41% believe companies give them more control over their data than they used to, which rises to 49% among 25- to 34-year-olds.

However, 40% of consumers don’t think companies even care if they are in breach of data laws.

Source: Ipsos Mori

2. Sport sponsorship is fixed around a few key sectors

Sport sponsorship investment is mainly centred around five key sectors led by gambling, which accounts for 18.3% of sponsorships, followed by financial services (9.4%), professional services (7.8%), automotive (6.7%) and travel & transport (6.1%).

Football is dominated by gambling (32.4%) while rugby is led by financial services (15.2%) and alcohol (12.1%). Cricket sponsorship is split across alcohol, professional services and travel & transport – all 11.1% respectively.

When it comes to men’s sports, gambling is once again the top sector at 19.9%, driven almost entirely by football, followed by financial services (9.6%) and professional services (8.3%). For women’s sport, automotive (16.7%) and travel & transport (12.5%) lead the way.

Source: Caytoo

3. Almost half of Brits think the ad industry needs to change

Almost half (48%) of UK consumers say they don’t like seeing the same advert multiple times, which is why 48% of Brits believe the advertising industry needs to change.

Brits aren’t alone either. Consumers in the US and Germany say they experience a similar level of repetitive ads and 47% and 49% of consumers respectively express a desire for the industry to move away from this activity.

However, just 38% of consumers in France don’t like this advertising technique, with only 40% saying change is needed.

More than a quarter (29%) of UK consumers judge brands poorly when they produce bad advertising and while consumers are open to adverts, 44% would prefer to see fewer ads.

Source: Conversant

4. Ikea sees 495% social lift from TV ads airing during Game of Thrones

Ikea has topped the list of brands that experienced the greatest social boost from ads airing during Game of Thrones.

A study measured each brand’s social media engagements during the five-minute period following the start of a TV ad, comparing them to the engagement rate in the five minutes prior.

Ikea came top with a 495% social lift, followed by 335% growth for O2. BT came in third, with eight ads generating a social lift of 242%. BMW (185%) and Iceland (158%) rounded out the top five.

Source: 4C Insights

5. Commercial radio posts biggest ever audience

Commercial radio reached a high of 36.1 million listeners in the first quarter, a record audience.

There are now 1.7 million more people listening to commercial radio stations than the BBC radio networks combined, marking commercial radio’s biggest lead over the public broadcaster.

Two-thirds (66%) of the population listen to commercial radio stations each week and 89% to radio overall. Total listening hours for commercial radio are up 1.6% year on year, driven mainly by the growth of national stations and brands.

Source: Rajar
