Help us find out what makes Marketing Week readers tick

Take our survey to help us create our most detailed understanding yet of how marketers think.

Psychological profilingAs Marketing Week prepares to celebrate its 40th birthday in 2018, we are embarking on an ambitious effort to uncover what makes the Marketing Week reader tick.

In partnership with research agency CrowdCat, we are exploring the psychology, motivations and aspirations of the UK’s marketers and we need you to help us. We’ll be publishing all our results and insights early next year, as we gear up for the big birthday celebration.

All we’re asking is for you to complete this short set of exercises to help us understand how you think about your role in marketing and what matters in your professional life.

The survey will take six to seven minutes to complete, and will help us build up our most detailed profile yet of how our readers think.

Respondents will remain anonymous, we won’t share profile results with anyone except you, and neither we nor CrowdCat will store any information that can identify you.

Please help us to create what we believe will be a valuable resource for our industry. Click here to take the survey now.
