Honestly, you look nothing like me

It’s been a while since the Diary did a lookalike (says the Diary, whistling innocently), but this one’s a humdinger.

While perusing the pages of last week’s Marketing Week – a riveting read, by the way – the Diary could not help noticing a marked similarity between Bill Wilson, chairman of Teamtalk 252 parent company Teamtalk Media, and everyone’s favourite grumpy Pop Idol judge Pete Waterman.

It must be comforting to Bill that he looks like the man who brought us such talent as Sinitta and Sonia.

Perhaps the two men share similar approaches to business, too. Did Wilson announce to staff at Atlantic 252, which previously broadcast on Teamtalk’s frequency: “You’re good. Your music’s OK, but you’re not my Radio Idol.”?

Good luck to Bill, anyway.

And if Teamtalk 252 doesn’t work out, there’s always a lucrative sideline waiting for him in the music business.