How Guy Smith got ahead

What were the best and worst, and why?: My best job is my current position. There is a great diversity in the work that I do and every day is a new challenge with different opportunities.

Name: Guy Smith

Company: Orbital

Job title: Divisional Director

What made you want to get into brands/advertising/media/marketing?: I started in the computer industry. I was involved with Lotus computer software at a company called 456 World, but the switch from DOS to Windows meant that Lotus support products were no longer compatible. I decided to look for a new challenge and 456 World sold many products via catalogue and this introduced me to fulfilment and direct mail. I guess that this is how I ended up at Prolog!

How did you get into the industry (including relevant qualifications and professional training)?: Luck played a big part as the industry I was in declined rapidly. A new opportunity came about as I knew about Prolog from the relationship we had with them at 456 World. They wanted someone to drive their business development and the opportunity came about for me to take the position.

What was good and bad about your first job?: I worked for a dynamic company and had the opportunity to travel to Europe and the US regularly. Unfortunately, the business could not keep pace with the market so it ultimately did not succeed.

List your jobs to date:
• 456 World Limited –European Sales and Marketing Manager
• Prolog –Commercial Director
• 2 Touch –Sales and Marketing Director
• Orbital –Divisional Director

What were the best and worst, and why?: My best job is my current position. There is a great diversity in the work that I do and every day is a new challenge with different opportunities. My worst job was when I was at college working in a clothes shop on a Saturday. Luckily I did not have to give too many fashion tips out.

Who has been your biggest inspiration?: My children. On second thoughts, my wife and children.

Who in the industry do you most admire?: Every person working behind the scenes in our industry. Their hard work is often hidden but without the many people working in the mail houses and call centres, marketing support services would not exist. It is hard work and I take my hat off to them.

What is your biggest achievement to date?: Instigating, managing and implementing the Aspect re-brand to create Orbital Integrated Fulfilment Solutions. This took a great deal of hard work and I am proud of the re-brand; it is a positive move for the future of the business.

On what do you base your success so far?: Being thick skinned!

What are your ambitions?: To firmly establish Orbital as the number one integrated fulfilment supplier in the UK.

Change one thing about your job: The distance I have to drive every day to get to and from work.

Change one thing about your industry: There is nothing I would change if I am being perfectly honest.

Change one thing about the world: Poverty.

What is your favourite brand?: It is not my favourite product, but my favourite brand is easyJet. Time and again, easyJet has taken a lot of criticism but every time it has come back with new value propositions and for that I really admire it.

What is the next big brand in your view?: If I knew, I would not be here!

List your media diet: Marketing Week, Marketing Week Online, Precision Marketing, Data Strategy,, New Media Age, Marketing, Direct Response, Promotions and Incentives, Sales Promotion and