Ins and outs of millennial fever

Granada is seizing the day, or rather the night, on April 10 to encourage the great British public to indulge in a bizarre type of “race”.

It’s all in the date, you see. Should you and your loved one get down to some “good, old fashioned loving” that evening, you have a good chance of producing a January 1 millennium baby. Birth Race 2000 is Granada’s attempt to “capture the excitement of the new millennium”.

The first episode on April 10 has Davina McCall presenting an evening of love, romance and, er, sex.

But Yorkshire Television’s two subsequent documentaries will follow couples who have been given January 1 2000 as their baby’s ETA.

Eager couples up and down the country will undoubtedly be limbering up in an attempt to claim their 15 minutes of fame the fun way. Could April 10 be renamed national Sport For All Day?