Five agencies to battle for 6m ITV business

Marketing Week

Five agencies chasing after ITV’s increased marketing spend of 6m for next year. The broadcaster has also created a marketing role which it has yet to fill. Incumbent Grey has been joined by Lowe Howard-Spink, Bartle Bogle Hegarty, Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO and Ogilvy & Mather. Some of the agencies other than Grey have experience of […]


Marketing Week

Hot air balloon company Air 2 Air offers the ultimate day out for high-flyers. With 150 take-off sites nationwide, the company provides clients with the perfect atmosphere in which to float ideas.

EURO RSCG bests O&M in 5m Guinness Kilkenny Irish Beer battle

Marketing Week

EURO RSCG Wnek Gosper has won the 5m advertising account for Guinness’s Kilkenny Irish Beer after a two-way pitch against Ogilvy & Mather. The appointment of EURO RSCG to the account strengthens its position on the Guinness roster. It already handles Kaliber low alcohol lager. O&M holds Guinness’s core stout brand range, and Kilkenny is […]

Discretion with personal terms

Marketing Week

With regard to Mary Lewis’ article on branding (MW September 21), I have been brand loyal to Lillets for some years now. The brand is definitely stronger, but then I was quite happy with it being smaller, and I think a lot of other people out there would agree with me. You can always recognise […]

GGK ‘close to’ merger with US agency Doner

Marketing Week

GGK London is understood to be finalising merger talks with US agency Doner International, which wants to establish a broader base in the UK. A deal would end months of speculation about the fate of GGK, a one-time rising star of the advertising world which has been hit by a string of high-profile account losses. […]


Marketing Week

Since Sotheby’s was founded over 250 years ago it has kept details on its customers. So, when it set up its first marketing database four years ago, it already had enough data to make it the envy of the most practised relationship marketer.

Mars launch attacks Cadbury’s Milk Tray

Marketing Week

Confectionery giant Mars is believed to be launching a boxed chocolate brand in the run-up to Christmas to compete with established lines such as Cadbury’s Milk Tray and Roses. The company already sells gift boxes of some of its sweet brands but the new product will be a separate moulded chocolate brand. Mars is not […]


Marketing Week

Cider is enjoying a surge in popularity, as drinkers increasingly spurn beer. But it is really only HP Bulmer’s Strongbow that taps the market effectively. Now Matthew Clark, owner of Gaymer’s, is taking on the market leader, armed with a 271m

…as Spillers switches to BMP DDB Needham

Marketing Week

Bartle Bogle Hegarty has lost its 4m Spillers catfood accounts to BMP DDB Needham. The move means Spillers brands Arthur’s, Arthur’s Choice Chunks, Choosy and, most recently, Purrfect will take their place alongside BMP DDB Needham’s Felix catfood account. The launch budget for premium product Purrfect, available at the end of the month, is likely […]

Church of England slams Napolina pasta sauce for adulterous tone

Marketing Week

The Church of England has chastised an ad for Napolina pasta sauces for encouraging adultery. Created by Delaney Fletcher Bozell, the ads are entitled “Cheat” and feature a young Italian housewife. She is shown spending an afternoon with her Italian lover, and then rushing back home to cook for her husband. Luckily for the housewife, […]

Chew facts to be put straight

Marketing Week

I would like to correct a factual error in “Wrigley’s moves 3m out of AMV into Bozell” (MW October 6). Suder & Hennessey, the healthcare agency within the Y&R group, won the consumer and professional advertising account for Orbit & Extra in July. At no stage has S&H pitched against Bray Leino, and we certainly […]


Marketing Week

When it launches in the UK on November 1, Playboy TV has a remit to differentiate itself from rival porn channels by supplying what it describes as erotic programming to a discerning – and mixed – adult audience.

Express woman fills top IPC post

Marketing Week

Daily Express advertising sales controller Georgina Crace is to join IPC Magazines’ SouthBank Publishing Group as group ad director. She will replace Debbie Bowman, who quit in June to look after her family. Crace beat a string of internal candidates to take charge of the 60-strong sales team. Ad director of fashion titles Justine Southall […]

Not all roses for the man of Principles

Marketing Week

The Diary had an interesting chat this week with the self-proclaimed War of the Roses co-ordinator-in-chief, Phil “pint of lager please” Hesketh. It seems Hesketh, a dedicated Lancastrian, is still fretting about the outcome of the 15th Century Yorkists versus Lancastrians war. For those unfamiliar with the story, after much raping, pillaging and squabbling over […]

4m Cellnet task goes to McWilliams

Marketing Week

Cellnet has appointed the McWilliams Partnership to handle its 4m retailer support advertising account. The agency will work with Cellnet dealers nationwide, running campaigns in press and on radio. Clarke Hooper and Purchasepoint also pitched for the business. The amount of money available depends on the number of connections to the Cellnet phone network made […]