Marketing Week

With a unique heritage and vast consumer base, India offers enormous potential. But in their rush to the Far East, many marketers have overlooked the country.

Sunday Telegraph sales slip despite new section

Marketing Week

The Sunday Telegraph’s new review section has proved that a newspaper’s editorial innovation and advertising support are not as effective circulation builders as price cutting. The newspaper’s September circulation was 672,172, a fall of 1.7 per cent on August, traditionally the weakest month for sales. The title was also down 1.2 per cent on September […]

Bernard and his ‘pussy galore’

Marketing Week

Following our revelation last week that Leo Burnett staff had spied a green Rolls-Royce regularly parked outside a bordello opposite the agency building, the Diary has received an important missive. Young & Rubicam corporate affairs director Bernard Barnett has admitted to driving a green Rolls-Royce. This is not a crime in itself. But Barnett wishes […]

Life is Sweet

Marketing Week

The rewards are great for inventive companies that are willing to integrate their marketing functions. Sophie McKenzie looks at Trebor, which has invested in adventure-linked campaigns for its confectionery brands

Plugging gaps between letters

Marketing Week

When are you going to put a stop to your letters page being usurped by salesmen masquerading as marketing directors, claiming to have been misrepresented, simply so they can get a 19p plug for their company, product or service? As a marketing consultant in brand development (I’m in the London phone book), this sort of […]


Marketing Week

The concept of giving free gifts as an incentive for buying perfume was first introduced over 40 years ago, although it was not until the Eighties that it was widely adopted by the fragrance houses. But, as Imogen Matthews reports, both consum

Time for radio to settle the score

Marketing Week

One of the requests advertisers and agencies made of comercial radio last week at the Radio Advertising Bureau conference was for more post-campaign reporting of the medium. The Association of Independent Radio Companies assured delegates that a Industry Accountability Group was being set up. However the need for accountability in radio takes two forms. As […]

Upwardly Mobile

Marketing Week

After four years in development, 1.1bn of investment and months of anguish Vauxhall is finally ready to break its emotional ties with the car which has single handedly driven its success in the UK over the last 13 years. The Cavalier, better known as the “rep-mobile”, and ever present at motorway service stations up and […]

Tell-tale signs of future BR policy

Marketing Week

Having read lain Murray’s customarily vitriolic piece on obesity, “Free to chew whatever I want?” (MW October 6), I felt I must query the following: “There will be calls for fat people to be banned from public places; British Tail will outlaw obesity in trains and stations”. British Tail? Has our Government now deemed even […]

TSB/Vodafone link-up on cards

Marketing Week

TSB and Vodafone are under-stood to be finalising a deal to launch a “bank in your pocket” service next year to rival Barclaycard and Cellnet’s. TSB announced last week that it will be offering a digital handset that gives 20 per cent reductions in the cost of calls made on the Vodafone network. Billings will […]